Eric Brighteyes Read online

Page 10

  Now she is there--

  "_I hear thee, Grey Wolf! Back to my breast, Grey Wolf!_"

  Surely Gudruda heard something? She half turned her head, then againfell to calling aloud to the waters:

  "Eric! beloved Eric!--ah! is there ever a light like the light of thineeyes--is there ever a joy like the joy of thy kiss?"

  Swanhild heard, and her springs of mercy froze. Hate and fury enteredinto her. She rose upon her knees and gathered up her strength:

  "Seek, then, thy joy in Goldfoss," she cried aloud, and with all herforce she thrust.

  Gudruda fell a fathom or more, then, with a cry, she clutched wildly ata little ledge of rock, and hung there, her feet resting on the shelvingbank. Thirty fathoms down swirled and poured and rolled the watersof the Golden Falls. A fathom above, red in the red light of evening,lowered the pitiless face of Swanhild. Gudruda looked beneath her andsaw. Pale with agony she looked up and saw, but she said naught.

  "Let go, my rival; let go!" cried Swanhild: "there is none to help thee,and none to tell thy tale. Let go, I say, and seek thy marriage-bed inGoldfoss!"

  But Gudruda clung on and gazed upwards with white face and piteous eyes.

  "What! art thou so fain of a moment's life?" said Swanhild. "Then I willsave thee from thyself, for it must be ill to suffer thus!" and she ranto seek a rock. Now she finds one and, staggering beneath its weightto the brink of the gulf, peers over. Still Gudruda hangs. Space yawnsbeneath her, the waters roar in her ears, the red sky glows above. Shesees Swanhild come and shrieks aloud.

  Eric is there, though Swanhild hears him not, for the sound of hishorse's galloping feet is lost in the roar of waters. But that cry comesto his ears, he sees the poised rock, and all grows clear to him.He leaps from his horse, and even as she looses the stone, clutchesSwanhild's kirtle and hurls her back. The rock bounds sideways andpresently is lost in the waters.

  Eric looks over. He sees Gudruda's white face gleaming in the gloom.Down he leaps upon the ledge, though this is no easy thing.

  "Hold fast! I come; hold fast!" he cries.

  "I can no more," gasps Gudruda, and one hand slips.

  Eric grasps the rock and, stretching downward, grips her wrist; just asher hold loosens he grips it, and she swings loose, her weight hangingon his arm.

  Now he must needs lift her up and that with one hand, for the ledge isnarrow and he dare not loose his hold of the rock above. She swingsover the great gulf and she is senseless as one dead. He gathers all hismighty strength and lifts. His feet slip a little, then catch, and oncemore Gudruda swings. The sweat bursts out upon his forehead and hisblood drums through him. Now it must be, or not at all. Again he liftsand his muscles strain and crack, and she lies beside him on the narrowledge!

  All is not yet done. The brink of the cleft is the height of a man abovehim. There he must lay her, for he may not leave her to find aid, lestshe should wake and roll into the chasm. Loosing his hold of the cliff,he turns, facing the rock, and, bending over Gudruda, twists his handsin her kirtle below the breast and above the knee. Then once more Ericputs out his might and draws her up to the level of his breast, andrests. Again with all his force he lifts her above the crest of his helmand throws her forward, so that now she lies upon the brink of the greatcliff. He almost falls backward at the effort, but, clutching the rock,he saves himself, and with a struggle gains her side, and lies there,panting like a wearied hound of chase.

  Of all trials of strength that ever were put upon his might, Eric waswont to say, this lifting of Gudruda was the greatest; for she was nolight woman, and there was little to stand on and almost nothing tocling to.

  Presently Brighteyes rose and peered at Gudruda through the gloom. Shestill swooned. Then he gazed about him--but Swanhild, the witchgirl, wasgone.

  Then he took Gudruda in his arms, and, leading the horse, stumbledthrough the darkness, calling on Skallagrim. The Baresark answered, andpresently his large form was seen looming in the gloom.

  Eric told his tale in few words.

  "The ways of womankind are evil," said Skallagrim; "but of all the deedsthat I have known done at their hands, this is the worst. It had beenwell to hurl the wolf-witch from the cliff."

  "Ay, well," said Eric; "but that song must yet be sung."

  Now dimly lighted of the rising moon by turns they bore Gudruda down themountain side, till at length, utterly fordone, they saw the fires ofMiddalhof.



  Now as the days went, though Atli's ship was bound for sea, she did notsail, and it came about that the Earl sank ever deeper in the toilsof Swanhild. He called to mind many wise saws, but these availed himlittle: for when Love rises like the sun, wisdom melts like the mists.So at length it came to this, that on the day of Eric's coming back,Atli went to Asmund the Priest, and asked him for the hand of Swanhildthe Fatherless in marriage. Asmund heard and was glad, for he knew wellthat things went badly between Swanhild and Gudruda, and it seemed goodto him that seas should be set between them. Nevertheless, he thought ithonest to warn the Earl that Swanhild was apart from other women.

  "Thou dost great honour, earl, to my foster-daughter and my house," hesaid. "Still, it behoves me to move gently in this matter. Swanhild isfair, and she shall not go hence a wife undowered. But I must tell theethis: that her ways are dark and secret, and strange and fiery are hermoods, and I think that she will bring evil on the man who weds her.Now, I love thee, Atli, were it only for our youth's sake, and thou artnot altogether fit to mate with such a maid, for age has met thee on thyway. For, as thou wouldst say, youth draws to youth as the tide to theshore, and falls away from eld as the wave from the rock. Think, then:is it well that thou shouldst take her, Atli?"

  "I have thought much and overmuch," answered the Earl, stroking his greybeard; "but ships old and new drive before a gale."

  "Ay, Atli, and the new ship rides, where the old one founders."

  "A true rede, a heavy rede, Asmund; yet I am minded to sail this sea,and, if it sink me--well, I have known fair weather! Great longing hasgot hold of me, and I think the maid looks gently on me, and that thingsmay yet go well between us. I have many things to give such as womenlove. At the least, if thou givest me thy good word, I will risk it,Asmund: for the bold thrower sometimes wins the stake. Only I say this,that, if Swanhild is unwilling, let there be an end of my wooing, for Ido not wish to take a bride who turns from my grey hairs."

  Asmund said that it should be so, and they made an end of talking justas the light faded.

  Now Asmund went out seeking Swanhild, and presently he met her near thestead. He could not see her face, and that was well, for it was not goodto look on, but her mien was wondrous wild.

  "Where hast thou been, Swanhild?" he asked.

  "Mourning Eric Brighteyes," she made answer.

  "It is meeter for Gudruda to mourn over Eric than for thee, for her lossis heavy," Asmund said sternly. "What hast thou to do with Eric?"

  "Little, or much; or all--read it as thou wilt, foster-father. Still,all wept for are not lost, nor all who are lost wept for."

  "Little do I know of thy dark redes," said Asmund. "Where is Gudrudanow?"

  "High is she or low, sleeping or perchance awakened: naught reck I. Shealso mourned for Eric, and we went nigh to mingling tears--near togetherwere brown curls and golden," and she laughed aloud.

  "Thou art surely fey, thou evil girl!" said Asmund.

  "Ay, foster-father, fey: yet is this but the first of my feydom. Herestarts the road that I must travel, and my feet shall be red ere thejourney's done."

  "Leave thy dark talk," said Asmund, "for to me it is as the wind'ssong, and listen: a good thing has befallen thee--ay, good beyond thydeserving."

  "Is it so? Well, I stand greatly in need of good. What is thy tidings,foster-father?"

  "This: Atli the Earl asks thee in marriage, and he is a mighty man, wellhonoured in his own land, and set higher, moreover, than I had lookedfor thee."

>   "Ay," answered Swanhild, "set like the snow above the fells, set in theyears that long are dead. Nay, foster-father, this white-beardeddotard is no mate for me. What! shall I mix my fire with his frost, mybreathing youth with the creeping palsy of his age? Never! If Swanhildweds she weds not so, for it is better to go maiden to the grave thanthus to shrink and wither at the touch of eld. Now is Atli's wooingsped, and there's an end."

  Asmund heard and grew wroth, for the matter seemed strange to him; norare maidens wont thus to put aside the word of those set over them.

  "There is no end," he said; "I will not be answered thus by a girl wholives upon my bounty. It is my rede that thou weddest Atli, or else thougoest hence. I have loved thee, and for that love's sake I have bornethy wickedness, thy dark secret ways, and evil words; but I will becrossed no more by thee, Swanhild."

  "Thou wouldst drive me hence with Groa my mother, though perchance thouhast yet more reason to hold me dear, foster-father. Fear not: I willgo--perhaps further than thou thinkest," and once more Swanhild laughed,and passed from him into the darkness.

  But Asmund stood looking after her. "Truly," he said in his heart, "illdeeds are arrows that pierce him who shot them. I have sowed evilly, andnow I reap the harvest. What means she with her talk of Gudruda and therest?"

  Now as he thought, he saw men and horses draw near, and one man, whosehelm gleamed in the moonlight, bore something in his arms.

  "Who passes?" he called.

  "Eric Brighteyes, Skallagrim Lambstail, and Gudruda, Asmund's daughter,"answered a voice; "who art thou?"

  Then Asmund the Priest sprang forward, most glad at heart, for he neverthought to see Eric again.

  "Welcome, and thrice welcome art thou, Eric," he cried; "for, know, wedeemed thee dead."

  "I have lately gone near to death, lord," said Eric, for he knew thevoice; "but I am hale and whole, though somewhat weary."

  "What has come to pass, then?" asked Asmund, "and why holdest thouGudruda in thy arms? Is the maid dead?"

  "Nay, she does but swoon. See, even now she stirs," and as he spakeGudruda awoke, shuddering, and with a little cry threw her arms aboutthe neck of Eric.

  He set her down and comforted her, then once more turned to Asmund:

  "Three things have come about," he said. "First, I have slain oneBaresark, and won another to be my thrall, and for him I crave thypeace, for he has served me well. Next, we two were set upon by OspakarBlacktooth and his fellowship, and, fighting for our hands, have woundedOspakar, slain Mord his son, and six other men of his following."

  "That is good news and bad," said Asmund, "since Ospakar will ask agreat weregild[*] for these men, and thou wilt be outlawed, Eric."

  [*] The penalty for manslaying.

  "That may happen, lord. There is time enough to think of it. Now thereare other tidings to tell. Coming to the head of Goldfoss I foundGudruda, my betrothed, mourning my death, and spoke with her. AfterwardsI left her, and presently returned again, to see her hanging over thegulf, and Swanhild hurling rocks upon her to crush her."

  "These are tidings in truth," said Asmund--"such tidings as my heartfeared! Is this true, Gudruda?"

  "It is true, my father," answered Gudruda, trembling. "As I sat on thebrink of Goldfoss, Swanhild crept behind me and thrust me into the gulf.There I clung above the waters, and she brought a rock to hurl upon me,when suddenly I saw Eric's face, and after that my mind left me and Ican tell no more."

  Now Asmund grew as one mad. He plucked at his beard and stamped on theground. "Maid though she be," he cried, "yet shall Swanhild's back bebroken on the Stone of Doom for a witch and a murderess, and her bodyhurled into the pool of faithless women, and the earth will be well ridof her!"

  Now Gudruda looked up and smiled: "It would be ill to wreak such avengeance on her, father," she said; "and this would also bring thegreatest shame on thee, and all our house. I am saved, by the mercyof the Gods and the might of Eric's arm, and this is my counsel: thatnothing be told of this tale, but that Swanhild be sent away where shecan harm us no more."

  "She must be sent to the grave, then," said Asmund, and fell tothinking. Presently he spoke again: "Bid yon man fall back, I wouldspeak with you twain," and Skallagrim went grumbling.

  "Hearken now, Eric and Gudruda: only an hour ago hath Atli the Goodasked Swanhild of me in marriage. But now I met Swanhild here, and hermien was wild. Still, I spoke of the matter to her, and she would havenone of it. Now, this is my counsel: that choice be given to Swanhild,either that she go hence Atli's wife, or take her trial in theDoom-ring."

  "That will be bad for the Earl then," said Eric. "Methinks he is toogood a man to be played on thus."

  "_Bairn first, then friend_," answered Asmund.

  "Now I will tell thee something that, till this hour, I have hidden fromall, for it is my shame. This Swanhild is my daughter, and therefore Ihave loved her and put away her evil deeds, and she is half-sisterto thee, Gudruda. See, then, how sore is my straight, who must avengedaughter upon daughter."

  "Knows thy son Bjoern of this?" asked Eric.

  "None knew it till this hour, except Groa and I."

  "Yet I have feared it long, father," said Gudruda, "and therefore I havealso borne with Swanhild, though she hates me much and has striven hardto draw my betrothed from me. Now thou canst only take one counsel,and it is: to give choice to Swanhild of these two things, though it isunworthy that Atli should be deceived, and at the best little good cancome of it."

  "Yet it must be done, for honour is often slain of heavy need," saidAsmund. "But we must first swear this Baresark thrall of thine, thoughlittle faith lives in Baresark's breast."

  Now Eric called to Skallagrim and charged him strictly that he shouldtell nothing of Swanhild, and of the wolf that he saw by her, and of howGudruda was found hanging over the gulf.

  "Fear not," growled the Baresark, "my tongue is now my master's. Whatis it to me if women do their wickedness one on another? Let themwork magic, hate and slay by stealth, so shall evil be lessened in theworld."

  "Peace!" said Eric; "if anything of this passes thy lips thou art nolonger a thrall of mine, and I give thee up to the men of thy quarter."

  "And I cleave that wolf's head of thine down to thy hawk's eyes; but,otherwise, I give thee peace, and will hold thee from harm, wood-dwelleras thou art," said Asmund.

  The Baresark laughed: "My hands will hold my head against ten suchmannikins as thou art, Priest. There was never but one man who mightovercome me in fair fight and there he stands, and his bidding is mylaw. So waste no words and make not niddering threats against greaterfolk," and he slouched back to his horse.

  "A mighty man and a rough," said Asmund, looking after him; "I like hislooks little."

  "Natheless a strong in battle," quoth Eric; "had he not been at my backsome six hours gone, by now the ravens had torn out these eyes of mine.Therefore, for my sake, bear with him."

  Asmund said it should be so, and then they passed on to the stead.

  Here Eric stripped off his harness, washed, and bound up his wounds.Then, followed by Skallagrim, axe in hand, he came into the hall as menmade ready to sit at meat. Now the tale of the mighty deeds that hehad done, except that of the saving of Gudruda, had gone abroad, and asBrighteyes came all men rose and with one voice shouted till the roof ofthe great hall rocked:

  "_Welcome, Eric Brighteyes, thou glory of the south!_"

  Only Bjoern, Asmund's son, bit his hand, and did not shout, for he hatedEric because of the fame that he had won.

  Brighteyes stood still till the clamour died, then said:

  "Much noise for little deeds, brethren. It is true that I overthrew theMosfell Baresarks. See, here is one," and he turned to Skallagrim; "Istrangled him in my arms on Mosfell's brink, and that was something ofa deed. Then he swore fealty to me, and we are blood-brethren now, andtherefore I ask peace for him, comrades--even from those whom he haswronged or whose kin he has slain. I know this, that when thereafter westood back to back and met the c
ompany of Ospakar Blacktooth, whocame to slay us--ay, and Asmund also, and bear away Gudruda to be hiswife--he warred right gallantly, till seven of their band lay stiff onHorse-Head Heights, overthrown of us, and among them Mord, Blacktooth'sson; and Ospakar himself went thence sore smitten of this Skallagrim.Therefore, for my sake, do no harm to this man who was Baresark, but nowis my thrall; and, moreover, I beg the aid and friendship of all men ofthis quarter in those suits that will be laid against me at the Althingfor these slayings, which I hereby give out as done by my hand, and bythe hand of Skallagrim Lambstail, the Baresark."

  At these words all men shouted again; but Atli the Earl sprang from thehigh seat where Asmund had placed him, and, coming to Eric, kissed him,and, drawing a gold chain from his neck, flung it about the neck ofEric, crying:

  "Thou art a glorious man, Eric Brighteyes. I thought the world had nomore of such a breed. Listen to my bidding: come thou to the earldom inOrkneys and be a son to me, and I will give thee all good gifts, and,when I die, thou shalt sit in my seat after me."

  But Eric thought of Swanhild, who must go from Iceland as wife to Atli,and answered:

  "Thou doest me great honour, Earl, but this may not be. Where the firis planted, there it must grow and fall. Iceland I love, and I will stayhere among my own people till I am driven away."

  "That may well happen, then," said Atli, "for be sure Ospakar and hiskin will not let the matter of these slayings rest, and I think thatit will not avail thee much that thou smotest for thine own hand. Then,come thou and be my man."