Moon of Israel: A Tale of the Exodus Read online

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  It was the appointed day and hour. By command of the Prince I drove withhim to the palace of Pharaoh, whither her Highness the Princess refusedto be his companion, and for the first time we talked together of thatwhich had passed in the temple.

  "Have you seen the lady Merapi?" he asked of me.

  I answered No, as I was told that she was sick within her house and layabed suffering from weariness, or I knew not what.

  "She does well to keep there," said Seti, "I think that if she came outthose priests would murder her if they could. Also there are others,"and he glanced back at the chariot that bore Userti in state. "Say, Ana,can you interpret all this matter?"

  "Not I, Prince. I thought that perhaps your Highness, the high-priest ofAnon, could give me light."

  "The high-priest of Amon wanders in thick darkness. Ki and the restswear that this Israelite is a sorceress who has outmatched their magic,but to me it seems more simple to believe that what she says is true;that her god is greater than Amon."

  "And if this be true, Prince, what are we to do who are sworn to thegods of Egypt?"

  "Bow our heads and fall with them, I suppose, Ana, since honour will notsuffer us to desert them."

  "Even if they be false, Prince?"

  "I do not think that they are false, Ana, though mayhap they be lesstrue. At least they are the gods of the Egyptians and we are Egyptians."He paused and glanced at the crowded streets, then added, "See, when Ipassed this way three days ago I was received with shouts of welcome bythe people. Now they are silent, every one."

  "Perhaps they have heard of what passed in the temple."

  "Doubtless, but it is not that which troubles them who think that thegods can guard themselves. They have heard also that I would befriendthe Hebrews whom they hate, and therefore they begin to hate me. Whyshould I complain when Pharaoh shows them the way?"

  "Prince," I whispered, "what will you say to Pharaoh?"

  "That depends on what Pharaoh says to me. Ana, if I will not desert ourgods because they seem to be the weaker, though it should prove to myadvantage, do you think that I would desert these Hebrews because theyseem to be weaker, even to gain a throne?"

  "There greatness speaks," I murmured, and as we descended from thechariot he thanked me with a look.

  We passed through the great hall to that same chamber where Pharaoh hadgiven me the chain of gold. Already he was there seated at the head ofthe chamber and wearing on his head the double crown. About him weregathered all those of royal blood and the great officers of state. Wemade our obeisances, but of these he seemed to take no note. His eyeswere almost closed, and to me he looked like a man who is very ill.The Princess Userti entered after us and to her he spoke some words ofwelcome, giving her his hand to kiss. Then he ordered the doors to beclosed. As he did so, an officer of the household entered and said thata messenger had come from the Hebrews who desired speech with Pharaoh.

  "Let him enter," said Meneptah, and presently he appeared.

  He was a wild-eyed man of middle age, with long hair that fell overhis sheepskin robe. To me he looked like a soothsayer. He stood beforePharaoh, making no salutation.

  "Deliver your message and be gone," said Nehesi the Vizier.

  "These are the words of the Fathers of Israel, spoken by my lips," criedthe man in a voice that rang all round the vaulted chamber. "It has cometo our ears, O Pharaoh, that the woman Merapi, daughter of Nathan, whohas refuged in your city, she who is named Moon of Israel, has shownherself to be a prophetess of power, one to whom our God has givenstrength, in that, standing alone amidst the priests and magicians ofAmon of the Egyptians, she took no harm from their sorceries and wasable with the sword of prayer to smite the idol of Amon to the dust. Wedemand that this prophetess be restored to us, making oath on our partthat she shall be given over safely to her betrothed husband and that noharm shall come to her for any crimes or treasons she may have committedagainst her people."

  "As to this matter," replied Pharaoh quietly, "make your prayer to thePrince of Egypt, in whose household I understand the woman dwells. Ifit pleases him to surrender her who, I take it, is a witch or a cunningworker of tricks, to her betrothed and her kindred, let him do so. It isnot for Pharaoh to judge of the fate of private slaves."

  The man wheeled round and addressed Seti, saying:

  "You have heard, Son of the King. Will you deliver up this woman?"

  "Neither do I promise to deliver her up nor not to deliver her up,"answered Seti, "since the lady Merapi is no member of my household, norhave I any authority over her. She who saved my life dwells within mywalls for safety's sake. If it pleases her to go, she can go; if itpleases her to remain, she can remain. When this Court is finished Igive you safe-conduct to appear and in my presence learn her pleasurefrom her lips."

  "You have your answer; now be gone," said Nehesi.

  "Nay," cried the man, "I have more words to speak. Thus say the Fathersof Israel: We know the black counsel of your heart, O Pharaoh. It hasbeen revealed to us that it is in your mind to put the Hebrews to thesword, as it is in the mind of the Prince of Egypt to save them fromthe sword. Change that mind of yours, O Pharaoh, and swiftly, lest deathfall upon you from heaven above."

  "Cease!" thundered Meneptah in a voice that stilled the murmurs of thecourt. "Dog of a Hebrew, do you dare to threaten Pharaoh on hisown throne? I tell you that were you not a messenger, and thereforeaccording to our ancient law safe till the sun sets, you should be hewnlimb from limb. Away with him, and if he is found in this city afternightfall let him be slain!"

  Then certain of the councillors sprang upon the man and thrust him forthroughly. At the door he wrenched himself free and shouted:

  "Think upon my words, Pharaoh, before this sun has set. And you, greatones of Egypt, think on them also before it appears again."

  They drove him out with blows and the doors were shut. Once moreMeneptah began to speak, saying:

  "Now that this brawler is gone, what have you to say to me, Prince ofEgypt? Do you still give me the counsel that you wrote in the roll? Doyou still refuse, as heir of the Throne, to assent to my decree thatthese accursed Hebrews be destroyed with the sword of my justice?"

  Now all turned their eyes on Seti, who thought a while, and answered:

  "Let Pharaoh pardon me, but the counsel that I gave I still give; theassent that I refused I still refuse, because my heart tells me thatso it is right to do, and so I think will Egypt be saved from manytroubles."

  When the scribes had finished writing down these words Pharaoh askedagain:

  "Prince of Egypt, if in a day to come you should fill my place, is itstill your intent to let this people of the Hebrews go unharmed, takingwith them the wealth that they have gathered here?"

  "Let Pharaoh pardon me, that is still my intent."

  Now at these fateful words there arose a sigh of astonishment from allthat heard them. Before it had died away Pharaoh had turned to Usertiand was asking:

  "Are these your counsel, your will, and your intent also, O Princess ofEgypt?"

  "Let Pharaoh hear me," answered Userti in a cold, clear voice, "they arenot. In this great matter my lord the Prince walks one road and I walkanother. My counsel, will, and intent are those of Pharaoh."

  "Seti my son," said Meneptah, more kindly than I had ever heard himspeak before, "for the last time, not as your king but as your father,I pray you to consider. Remembering that as it lies in your power,being of full age and having been joined with me in many matters ofgovernment, to refuse your assent to a great act of state, so it liesin my power with the assent of the high-priests and of my ministers toremove you from my path. Seti, I can disinherit you and set another inyour place, and if you persist, that and no less I shall do. Consider,therefore, my son."

  In the midst of an intense silence Seti answered:

  "I have considered, O my Father, and whatever be the cost to me I cannotgo back upon my words."

; Then Pharaoh rose and cried:

  "Take note all you assembled here, and let it be proclaimed to thepeople of Egypt without the gates, that they take note also, that Idepose Seti my son from his place as Prince of Egypt and declare thathe is removed from the succession to the double Crown. Take note thatmy daughter Userti, Princess of Egypt, wife of the Prince Seti, I do notdepose. Whatever rights and heritages are hers as heiress of Egypt letthose rights and heritages remain to her, and if a child be born ofher and Prince Seti, who lives, let that child be heir to the Throne ofEgypt. Take note that, if no such child is born or until it is born,I name my nephew, the count Amenmeses, son of by brother Khaemuas, nowgathered to Osiris, to fill the Throne of Egypt when I am no more. Comehither, Count Amenmeses."

  He advanced and stood before him. Then Pharaoh lifted from his head thedouble crown he wore and for a moment set it on the brow of Amenmeses,saying as he replaced it on his own head:

  "By this act and token do I name and constitute you, Amenmeses, tobe Royal Prince of Egypt in place of my son, Prince Seti, deposed.Withdraw, Royal Prince of Egypt. I have spoken."

  "Life! Blood! Strength!" cried all the company bowing before Pharaoh,all save the Prince Seti who neither bowed nor stirred. Only he cried:

  "And I have heard. Will Pharaoh be pleased to declare whether withmy royal heritage he takes my life? If so, let it be here and now. Mycousin Amenmeses wears a sword."

  "Nay, Son," answered Meneptah sadly, "your life is left to you and withit all your private rank and your possessions whatsoever and whereverthey may be."

  "Let Pharaoh's will be done," replied Seti indifferently, "in this asin all things. Pharaoh spares my life until such time as Amenmeses hissuccessor shall fill his place, when it shall be taken."

  Meneptah started; this thought was new to him.

  "Stand forth, Amenmeses," he cried, "and swear now the threefold oaththat may not be broken. Swear by Amon, by Ptah, and by Osiris, god ofdeath, that never will you attempt to harm the Prince Seti, your cousin,either in body or in such state and prerogative as remain to him. LetRoi, the head-priest of Amon, administer the oath now before us all."

  So Roi spoke the oath in the ancient form, which was terrible even tohear, and Amenmeses, unwillingly enough as I thought, repeated it afterhim, adding however these words at the end, "All these things I swearand all these penalties in this world and the world to be I invoke uponmy head, provided only that when the time comes the Prince Seti leavesme in peace upon the throne to which it has pleased Pharaoh to decree tome."

  Now some there murmured that this was not enough, since in their heartsthere were few who did not love Seti and grieve to see him thus strippedof his royal heritage because his judgment differed from that ofPharaoh over a matter of State policy. But Seti only laughed and saidscornfully:

  "Let be, for of what value are such oaths? Pharaoh on the throne isabove all oaths who must make answer to the gods only and from thehearts of some the gods are far away. Let Amenmeses not fear that Ishall quarrel with him over this matter of a crown, I who in truth havenever longed for the pomp and cares of royalty and who, deprived ofthese, still possess all that I can desire. I go my way henceforwardas one of many, a noble of Egypt--no more, and if in a day to come itpleases the Pharaoh to be to shorten my wanderings, I am not sure thateven then I shall grieve so very much, who am content to accept thejudgment of the gods, as in the end he must do also. Yet, Pharaoh myfather, before we part I ask leave to speak the thoughts that rise inme."

  "Say on," muttered Meneptah.

  "Pharaoh, having your leave, I tell you that I think you have done avery evil work this day, one that is unpleasing to those Powers whichrule the world, whoever and whatsoever they may be, one too that willbring upon Egypt sorrows countless as the sand. I believe that theseHebrews whom you unjustly seek to slay worship a god as great or greaterthan our own, and that they and he will triumph over Egypt. I believealso that the mighty heritage which you have taken from me will bringneither joy nor honour to him by whom it has been received."

  Here Amenmeses started forward, but Meneptah held up his hand, and hewas silent.

  "I believe, Pharaoh--alas! that I must say it--that your days onearth are few and that for the last time we look on each other living.Farewell, Pharaoh my father, whom still I love mayhap more in this hourof parting than ever I did before. Farewell, Amenmeses, Prince of Egypt.Take from me this ornament which henceforth should be worn by you only,"and lifting from his headdress that royal circlet which marks the heirto the throne, he held it to Amenmeses, who took it and, with a smile oftriumph, set it on his brow.

  "Farewell, Lords and Councillors; it is my hope that in yonder princeyou will find a master more to your liking that ever I could have been.Come, Ana, my friend, if it still pleases you to cling to me for alittle while, now that I have nothing left to give."

  For a few moments he stood still looking very earnestly at his father,who looked back at him with tears in his deep-set, faded eyes.

  Then, though whether this was by chance I cannot say, taking no note ofthe Princess Userti, who gazed at him perplexed and wrathful, Seti drewhimself up and cried in the ancient form:

  "Life! Blood! Strength! Pharaoh! Pharaoh! Pharaoh!" and bowed almost tothe ground.

  Meneptah heard. Muttering beneath his breath, "Oh! Seti, my son, my mostbeloved son!" he stretched out his arms as though to call him back orperhaps to clasp him. As he did so I saw his face change. Next instanthe fell forward to the ground and lay there still. All the company stoodstruck with horror, only the royal physician ran to him, while Roi andothers who were priests began to mutter prayers.

  "Has the good god been gathered to Osiris?" asked Amenmeses presently ina hoarse voice, "because if it be so, I am Pharaoh."

  "Nay, Amenmeses," exclaimed Userti, "the decrees have not yet beensealed or promulgated. They have neither strength nor weight."

  Before he could answer the physician cried:

  "Peace! Pharaoh still lives, his heart beats. This is but a fit whichmay pass. Begone, every one, he must have quiet."

  So we went, but first Seti knelt down and kissed his father on the brow.