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Morning Star Page 17



  So that day Rames departed for Takensit with what ships and men could begot together in such haste. There, at the frontier post, he waited tillthe rest of the soldiers should join him, bringing with them the hastilyembalmed body of Prince Amathel whom he had slain, and the royalgifts to the King of Kesh. Then, without a moment's delay, he sailedsouthwards with his little army on the long journey, fearing lest if hetarried, orders might come to him to return to Thebes. Also he desiredto reach Napata before the heavy news of the death of the King's son,and without warning of the approach of Egypt's embassy.

  With Tua he had no more speech, although as his galley was rowed underthe walls of the palace, at a window of the royal apartments he sawa white draped figure that watched them go by. It was standing in theshadow so that he could not recognise the face, but his heart told himthat this was none other than the Queen herself, who appeared there tobid him farewell.

  So Rames rose from the chair in which he was seated on account of thehurt to his leg and saluted with his sword, and ordered the crew todo likewise by lifting up their oars. Then the slender figure bowed inanswer, and he went on to fulfil his destiny, leaving Neter-Tua, MorningStar of Amen, to fulfil hers.

  Before he sailed, however, Mermes his father and Asti his mother visitedhim in a place apart.

  "You were born under a strange star, my son," said Mermes, "and I knownot whither it will lead you, who pray that it may not be a meteor whichblazes suddenly in the heavens and disappears to return no more. Allthe people talk of the favour the Queen has shown you who, instead ofordering you to be executed for the deed you did which robbed her of aroyal husband, has set you in command of an army, you, a mere youth,and received you in secret audience, an honour granted to very few. Fatethat has passed me by gives the dice to your young hand, but how thecast will fall I know not, nor shall I live to see, or so I believe."

  "Speak no such evil-omened words, my father," answered Rames tenderly,for these two loved each other. "To me it seems more likely that it isI who shall not live, for this is a strange and desperate venture uponwhich I go, to tell to a great king the news of the death of his onlyson at my own hand. Mother, you are versed in the books of wisdom andcan see that which is hidden to our eyes. Have you no word of comfortfor us?"

  "My son," answered Asti, "I have searched the future, but with all myskill it will open little of its secrets to my sight. Yet I have learnedsomething. Great fortunes lie before you, and I believe that you and Ishall meet again. But to your beloved father bid farewell."

  At these words Rames turned his head aside to hide his tears, but Mermesbade him not to grieve, saying:

  "Great is the mystery of our fates, my son. Some there be who tell usthat we are but bubbles born of the stream to be swallowed up by thestream, clouds born of the sky to be swallowed up by the sky, theoffspring of chance like the beasts and the birds, gnats that dance foran hour in the sunlight and are gone. But I believe it not, who holdthat the gods clothe us with this robe of flesh for their own purpose,and that the spirit within us has been from the beginning and eternallywill be. Therefore I love not life and fear not death, knowing thatthese are but doors leading to the immortal house that is prepared forus. The royal blood you have came to you from your mother and myself,but that our lots should have been humble, while yours, mayhap, will besplendid, does not move me to envy who perchance have been that you maybe. You go forth to fulfil your fortunes which I believe are great, Ibide here to fulfil mine which lead me to the tomb. I shall never seeyou in your power, if power comes to you, nor will your triumphantfootsteps stir my sleep.

  "Yet, Rames, remember that though you tread on cloth of gold and thebowed necks of your enemies, though love be your companion and diademsyour crown, though flatteries float about you like incense in a shrinetill, at length, you deem yourself a god, those footsteps of yours stilllead to that same dark tomb and through it on to Judgment. Be great ifyou can, but be good as well as great. Take no man's life becauseyou have the strength and hate him; wrong no woman because she isdefenceless or can be bought. Remember that the beggar child playing inthe sand may have a destiny more high than yours when all the earthlycount is reckoned. Remember that you share the air you breathe withthe cattle and the worm. Go your road rejoicing in your beauty and youryouth and the good gifts that are given you, but know, Rames, that atthe end of it I, who wait in the shadow of Osiris, I your father, shallask an account thereof, and that beyond me stand the gods of Justice totest the web that you have woven. Now, Rames, my son, my blessing andthe blessing of him who shaped us be with you, and farewell."

  Then Mermes kissed him on the brow and, turning, left the room, nor didthey ever meet again.

  But Asti stayed awhile, and coming to him presently, looked Rames in theeyes, and said:

  "Mourn not. Separations are no new thing, death is no new thing; allthese sorrows have been on the earth for millions of years, and formillions of years yet shall be. Live out your life, rejoicing if thedays be good, content if they be but ill, regretting nothing save yoursins, fearing nothing, expecting nothing, since all things are appointedand cannot be changed."

  "I hear," he answered humbly, "and I will not forget. Whether I succeedor fail you shall not be ashamed for me."

  Now his mother turned to go also, but paused and said:

  "I have a gift for you, Rames, from one whose name may not be spoken."

  "Give it to me," he said eagerly, "I feared that it was all but adream."

  "Oh!" replied Asti scanning his face, "so there was a dream, wasthere? Did it fall upon you last night when the daughter of Amen, myfoster-child, instructed you in secret?"

  "The gift," said Rames, stretching out his hand.

  Then, smiling in her quiet fashion, his mother drew from the bosomof her robe some object that was wrapped in linen and, touching herforehead with the royal seal that fastened it, gave it to Rames. Withtrembling fingers he broke the seal and there within the linen lay aring which for some years, as Rames knew, Tua had worn upon the firstfinger of her right hand. It was massive and of plain gold, and upon thebezel of it was cut the symbol of the sun, on either side of which knelta man and a woman crowned with the double crown of Egypt, and holdingin their right hands the looped Sign of Life which they stretched uptowards the glory of the sun.

  "Do you know who wore that ring in long past days?" asked Asti of Rameswho pressed it to his lips.

  He shook his head who remembered only that Tua had worn it.

  "It was your forefather and mine, Rames, the last of the royal rulers ofour line, who reigned over Egypt and also over the Land of Kesh. Awhile ago the embalmers re-clothed his divine body in the tomb, and thePrincess, who was present there with your father and myself, drew thisring off his dead hand and offered it to Mermes, who would not take it,seeing that it is a royal signet. So she wore it herself, and now forher own reasons she sends it to you, perhaps to give you authority inKesh where that mighty seal is known."

  "I thank the Queen," he murmured. "I shall wear it always."

  "Then let it be on your breast till you have passed the frontier, lestsome should ask questions that you find it hard to answer. My son," shewent on quickly, "you dare to love this queen of ours."

  "In truth I do, Mother. Did not you, who know everything, know that?Also it is your fault who brought us up together."

  "Nay, my son, the fault of the gods who have so decreed. But--does shelove you?"

  "You are always with her, Mother, ask her yourself, if you need to ask.At least, she has sent me her own ring. Oh! Mother, Mother, guard hernight and day, for if harm comes to her, then I die. Mother, queenscannot give themselves where they will as other women can; it is policythat thrusts their husbands on them. Keep her unwed, Mother. Though itshould cost her her throne, still I say let her not be cast into thearms of one she hates. Protect her in her trial, if such should come;and if strength fails and the gods desert her, then hide her in the
webof the magic that you have, and preserve her undefiled, for so shall Ibless your name for ever."

  "You fly at a rare bird, Rames, and there are many stronger hawks aboutbesides that one you slew; yes, royal eagles who may strike down thepair of you. Yet I will do my best, who have long foreseen this hour,and who pray that before my eyes shut in death, they may yet behold youseated on the throne of your forefathers, crowned with power and withsuch love and beauty as have never yet been given to man. Now hide thatring upon your heart and your secret in it, as I shall, lest you shouldreturn no more to Egypt. Moreover, follow your royal Star and no other.Whatever counsel she may have given you, follow it also, stirring not toright or left, for I say that in that maiden breast of hers there dwellsthe wisdom of the gods."

  Then holding up her hands over his head as though in blessing, Asti,too, turned and left him.