The Lady of Blossholme Page 26
Cicely awoke.
"Emlyn," she said in a low, thrilling voice, "do you hear me, Emlyn?That angel has been with me again. He spoke to me," and she paused.
"Well, well, what did he say?"
"I don't know, Emlyn," she answered, confused; "it has gone from me.But, Emlyn, have no fear, all is well with us, and not only with us butwith Christopher and the babe also. Oh, yes, with Christopher and thebabe also," and she let her fair head fall upon the couch and burst intoa flood of happy tears. Then, rising, she took up the child and kissedit, laid herself down and slept sweetly.
Just then the dawn broke, a glorious dawn, and Emlyn held out her armsto it in an ecstasy of gratitude. For with that light her terror passedaway as the darkness passed. She believed that God had spoken to Cicelyand for a while her heart was at peace.