Red Eve Read online

Page 4

  Ten minutes later, and the fugitives in the mound, peeping out fromtheir hole, saw clouds of smoke floating above them.

  "You should have let me shoot, Master Hugh," said Grey Dick, in hishard, dry whisper. "I'd have had these three, at least, and they'd havebeen good company on the road to hell, which now we must walk alone."

  "Nay," answered Hugh sternly, "I'll murder none, though they striveto murder us, and these least of all," and he glanced at Eve, who satstaring out of the mouth of the hole, her chin resting on her hand. "Youhad best give in, sweetheart," he said hoarsely. "Fire is worse thanfoes, and it draws near."

  "I fear it less," she answered. "Moreover, marriage is worse thaneither--sometimes."

  Hugh took counsel with Grey Dick.

  "This place will burn like tinder," he said, pointing to the dry reedswhich grew thickly all about them, and to the masses of brushwood andother rubbish that had drifted against the side of the little moundin times of flood. "If the fire reaches us we must perish of flame, orsmoke, or both."

  "Ay," answered Dick, "like old witch Sarah when they burned her inher house. She screeched a lot, though some say it was her cat thatscreeched and she died mum."

  "If we could get into the water now, Dick?"

  He shook his ash-hued head.

  "The pools are frozen. Moreover, as well die of heat as cold; I love notice-water."

  "What counsel, then, Dick?"

  "You'll not take the best, master--to loose my bow upon them. That finefellow did well to be afraid, for had you not knocked up my hand there'dbe an arrow sticking in his throat by now. He was right, Death walkednear to him."

  "It must not be, Dick, unless they strike first. What else?"

  "Perchance, when the smoke begins to trouble them, which it must soon,they'll move. Then we will run for the river; 'tis but fifty yards. TheLady Eve can swim like a duck, and so can you. The tide has turned, andwill bear you to the point, and I'll hold the bank against any who tryto follow, and take my chance. What say you of that plan, lady?"

  "That it is good as another, or as bad," she answered indifferently."Let's bide where we are and do what we must when we must. Nay, waste nomore breath, Hugh. I'll not yield and go home like a naughty child to bemarried. It was you who snatched away Grey Dick's shaft, not I; and nowI'll save myself."

  "Red Eve!--that's Red Eve!" muttered the henchman, with a dry chuckle ofadmiration. "The dead trouble neither man nor woman. Ah, she knows, sheknows!"

  After this there was silence for a while, save for the roar of the firethat ever drew more near.

  Eve held her cloak pressed against her mouth to filter the smoke, whichgrew thick.

  "It is time to move," said Hugh, coughing as he spoke. "By Heaven'sgrace, we are too late! Look!"

  As he spoke, suddenly in the broad belt of reeds which lay between themand the river bank fire appeared in several places, caused doubtlessby the flaming flakes which the strong wind had carried from behindthe mound. Moreover, these new fires, burning up briskly and joiningthemselves together, began to advance toward the three in the hole.

  "The wind has turned," said Dick. "Now it is fire, or water if you canget there. How do you choose to die?" and as he spoke he unstrung hisbow and slipped it into its leathern case.

  "Neither one way nor the other," answered Eve. "Some may die to-night,but we shall not."

  Hugh leapt up and took command.

  "Cover your faces to the eyes, and run for it," he said. "I'll go first,then you, Eve, and Dick behind. Make for the point and leap--the wateris deep there."

  They sprang to their feet and forward into the reeds. When they werealmost at the edge of the fire a shout told them that they had beenseen. Eve, the swift of foot, outpaced Hugh, and was the first to leapinto that circle of tall flames. She was through it! They were allthrough it, scorched but unharmed. Thirty paces away was the littlepoint of land where nothing grew, for the spring tides washed it, thatjutted out into the waters of the Blythe, and, perhaps a hundredto their right, the Claverings poured down on them, foot and horsetogether.

  Hugh caught his foot in a willow root and fell. Eve and Grey Dick spedonward unknowing. They reached the point above the water, turned, andsaw. Dick slipped his bow from its case, strung it, and set an arrow onthe string. Hugh had gained his feet, but a man who had come up sprang,and cast his arms about him. Hugh threw him to the ground, for he wasvery strong, and shook himself free. Then he drew the short and heavysword that he wore, and, shouting out, "Make way!" to those who stoodbetween him and the little promontory, started to run again.

  These opened to the right and left to let him pass, for they feared thelook in his eyes and the steel in his hand. Only young John Clavering,who had leapt from his horse, would not budge. As Hugh tried to pushpast him, he struck him in the face, calling out:

  "We have caught the de Cressi thief! Take him and hang him!"

  At the insult of the blow and words, Hugh stopped dead and turned quitewhite, whereupon the men, thinking that he was afraid, closed in uponhim. Then in the silence the harsh, croaking voice of Grey Dick washeard saying:

  "Sir John of Clavering, bid your people let my master go, or I will sendan arrow through your heart!" and he lifted the long bow and drew it.

  Sir John muttered something, thinking that this was a poor way to die,and again the men fell back, except one French knight, who, perhaps, didnot catch or understand his words.

  This man stretched out his hand to seize Hugh, but before ever it fellupon his shoulder the bow twanged and Acour's retainer was seen whirlinground and round, cursing with pain. In the palm of his hand was an arrowthat had sunk through it to the feathers.

  "You are right; that knave shoots well," said the Count to Sir John, whomade no answer.

  Now again all fell back, so that Hugh might have run for it if he would.But his blood was up, and he did not stir.

  "John Clavering," he said, addressing the young man, "just now, whenI lay hid in yonder hole, I heard you say that if you had five minuteswith me alone you'd beat me to a pulp and hang what was left of me onthe nearest tree. Well, here I stand, and there's a tree. Having firsttried to burn me and your sister, you have struck me in the face. Willyou make good your words, or shall I strike _you_ in the face and go myway? Nay, keep your dogs off me! Grey Dick yonder has more arrows."

  Now a tumult rose, some saying one thing and some another, but allkeeping an eye upon Grey Dick and his bent bow. At last Sir Edmund Acourrode forward, and in his polished, stately way said to John:

  "Young sir, this merchant is in the right, and whatever his trade maybe, his blood is as good as your own. After your brave words, either youshould fight him or take back the blow you gave."

  Then he leaned down and whispered into John's ear:

  "Your sword is longer than his. Make an end of him and of all histrouble, lest men should laugh at you as an empty boaster."

  Now John, who was brave and needed but little urging, turned to hisfather and said:

  "Have I your leave to whip this fellow, sir?"

  "You should have asked that before you struck him in the face," repliedthe knight. "You are a man grown. Do as best pleases you. Only if youtake the blow, begone from Blythburgh."

  Then Eve, who all this time had been listening, called out from whereshe stood above the river.

  "Brother John, if you fight your cousin Hugh, who is my affiancedhusband, and fall, on your own head be it, for know, your blood shallnot stand between him and me, since it was you who struck him, and nothe you. Be warned, John, and let him go, lest he should send you fartherthan you wish to travel. And to you, Hugh, I say, though it is much toask, if he throws down his sword, forget that unknightly blow and comethither."

  "You hear," said Hugh shortly to John. "Now, because she is your sister,if it's your will I'll begone in peace."

  "Ay," answered John, setting his thin lips, "because you are a coward,woman-thief, and seek to live that you may bring shame upon our House.Well, that will
pass when you die presently!"

  "John, John, boast not," cried Eve. "Who has shown you where you willsleep to-night?"

  "Whether I shall live or die, God knows alone," said Hugh solemnly. "Butwhat I seek to know is, should it chance to be your lot to die, whetheryour people or this Frenchman will set on me, or raise a blood-feudagainst me. Tell me now, Sir John Clavering."

  "If you kill my son in combat _a outrance_, he being the challenger,"answered the knight, "none shall lift hand against you for that deedif I can hold them back. But know that I have other cause of quarrelagainst you"--and he pointed to his daughter--"and that if you meddlemore with her, who is not for you, certainly you shall die."

  "And, young sir," broke in Sir Edmund, "I pray you to understand thatthis Lady Eve to-morrow becomes my wife with the will of her father andher kin; and that if you try to stand between us, although I may notfight you, seeing what I am and what you are, I'll kill you like a ratwhen and where I get the chance! Yes," he added, in a savage snarl, "Ipledge my knightly honour that I will kill you like a rat, if I mustfollow you across the world to do so!"

  "You will not have need to travel far if I have my will," answered theyoung man sternly, "since Red Eve is mine, not yours, and, living ordead, mine she will remain. As for your fine knightly honour, Sir EdmundAcour, Count de Noyon, Seigneur of Cattrina, what has a traitor to hisKing to do with honour, one who is here as a spy of Philip of France, asthe poor merchant's lad knows well? Oh, take you hand from your sword,of which you say I am not worthy, and, since you say also that I have somany enemies, let me begin with a squire of my own degree."

  Now at these bold words arose a clamour of voices speaking in French andEnglish.

  "What say you to this, Sir Edmund?" shouted Sir John Clavering abovethem all. "You are a great lord and a wealthy, beloved by me also as theaffianced of my daughter, but I am a loyal Englishman who have no truckwith traitors to my King."

  "What say I?" asked Sir Edmund calmly. "I say that if this fellow canfight as well as he can lie, your son has but a poor chance with him.As you know well, I came hither from France to visit my estates, not tolearn what strength his Grace of England, my liege lord, gathers for thenew war with Philip."

  "Enough," said Sir John; "though this is the first I have heard of sucha war, for it would seem that you know more of King Edward's mind thanI do. The light begins to fail, there is no time for talk. Stand clear,all men, and let these two settle it."

  "Ay," croaked Grey Dick, "stand clear, all men, while my master cutsthe throat of his cousin Clavering, since he who stands not clear shallpresently lie straight!" and he tapped his terrible bow with his righthand, then instantly seized the string again.

  The two were face to face. Round them on horse and on foot, at adistance perhaps of twenty paces, were gathered the Clavering men andthe French Count's troop; for now all had come up from the far parts ofthe marsh. Only toward the river side the ring was open, whether becausethose who made it feared Grey Dick's arrows, or in order that he and RedEve might see everything that chanced.

  The pair were well matched, for though Hugh was the taller, John, hissenior by a year, was thicker set and better trained in arms. But thesword of John was longer by a hand's breadth than that Hugh carried asa merchant, which was heavy, of such a make as the ancient Romans used,and sharpened on either edge. Neither of them wore armour, since Hughhad no right to do so, and John had not come out to fight.

  They stood still for a moment in the midst of a breathless silence, thered light of the stormy sunset striking across them both. Everything wasred, the smoke-clouds rising from the sullen, burning marsh, into whichthe fire was still eating far away; the waters of the Blythe brimfulwith the tide that had just turned toward the sea, the snow and iceitself. Even the triangle of wild swans brought by the hard weather fromthe northern lands looked red as they pursued their heavy and majesticflight toward the south, heedless of man and his affairs beneath.

  Not long did these remain heedless, however, since, either to show hisskill or for some other purpose of his own, Grey Dick lifted his bow andloosed an arrow, almost, it seemed, at hazard. Yet that arrow piercedthe leader of the flock, so that down it came in wide circles, and ina last struggle hovered for a moment over the group of men, then fellamong them with a thud, the blood from its pierced breast bespatteringSir Edmund Acour and John Clavering's black hair.

  "An ill omen for those two, and especially for him who wears a whiteswan for a crest," said a voice. But at the moment none took muchnotice, except Grey Dick, who chuckled at the success of his shot, sinceall were intent on greater matters--namely, which of those two young menshould die.

  Sir John, the father, rode forward and addressed them.

  "To the death without mercy to the fallen," he said grimly.

  They bent their heads in answer.

  "Now!" he cried, and reined back his horse.

  "The first home thrust wins," whispered Acour to him, as he wiped theblood of the swan off his sleeve. "Thank God, your son's sword is thelonger!"

  Perhaps the pair heard this whisper, or, perhaps, being without mail,they knew that it was so. At least for a while they circled round andround each other, but out of reach.

  Then at length John Clavering rushed in and thrust. Hugh sprang backbefore his point. Again he rushed and thrust and again Hugh sprangback. A third time and Hugh fairly ran, whereon a shout went up from theClaverings.

  "The chapman's afraid!" cried one. "Give him a yard measure," shoutedanother; "he cannot handle steel!"

  Eve turned her face, and her very eyes were sick with doubt.

  "Is it true?" she gasped.

  "Ay," answered Dick the Archer, "it's true that he draws him to theriver bank! Those who wait will learn why. Oh, the swan! He sees not theswan!"

  As he spoke, Hugh, in his retreat before another of John Clavering'srushes, struck his foot against the great dead bird, and staggered. Johnleapt upon him, and he went down.

  "Is he pierced?" muttered Eve.

  "Nay, missed," answered Dick, "by half an inch. Ah, I thought so!"

  As the words left his lips Clavering fell sprawling on his back, forHugh had caught his leg with his left arm and thrown him, so that theylay both together on the ground.

  There they closed, rolling over each other, but too close to stab.

  "Now good-night, John," said Dick, with his hoarse chuckle. "Throat him,master--throat him!"

  The flurry in the snow was at an end. John lay on his back, de Cressiknelt on him and lifted his short sword.

  "Do you yield?" men heard him say.

  "Nay," answered Clavering. Then suddenly Hugh rose and suffered hisadversary to do likewise.

  "I'll not stick you like a hog!" he said, and some cried, "Well done!"for the act seemed noble. Only Acour muttered, "Fool!"

  Next instant they were at it again, but this time it was Hugh whoattacked and John who gave back right to the river's edge, for skill andcourage seemed to fail him at once.

  "Turn your head, lady," said Dick, "for now one must die." But Eve couldnot.

  The swords flashed for the last time in the red light, then that of deCressi vanished. Clavering threw his arms wide, and fell backward. Asplash as of a great stone thrown into water, and all was done.

  Hugh stood a moment on the river's bank, staring at the stream beneath;then he turned and began to walk slowly toward the dead swan.

  Ere ever he reached it Sir John Clavering fell from his horse in aswoon, and a shout of rage went up from all his people.

  "Kill him!" they yelled, and leapt forward.

  Now Hugh understood, and ran for the point of land. One man, aFrenchman, got in front of him. He cut him down, and sped on.

  "What now?" said Eve, as he joined them.

  He did not answer, only pointed first to the Clavering folk and next tothe water, showing that she must choose between the two.

  "Swim for it!" growled Grey Dick. "I'll hold them back a while and thenjoin you," and as he spo
ke his bow twanged.

  For an instant Eve paused, then threw off her scarlet cloak.

  "Remember, I slew your brother!" said Hugh hoarsely.

  "I remember that he would have slain you," she answered; and leaptstraight from the point into the icy flood, beneath which her head sank.

  When it rose again there was another head beside it, that of dead John,who appeared for one moment, to be seen no more for ever, since eremorning the ocean had him.

  Now Hugh leapt after her, and presently the pair of them were swimmingside by side to the river's further shore. Then, as now, it was but anarrow stream. Yet they did not reach it easily, for, cumbered as theywere with clothes, and numbed by the ice-cold water, the fierce tidecaught them and carried them beyond the bend. There they were lost inthe gathering darkness, so that most of those who watched believed thatthey had sunk and drowned. But it was not so, for after a long strugglethey came safe to shore near to a clump of willows, and clambered overthe frozen mud to the heath beyond.

  "First fire, then water," said Hugh, in a mazed voice.

  "You have missed out love and death," answered the girl--"a full feastfor a day that is not done. But whither now?"

  "To take sanctuary at the Preceptory and raise my kin. Forward, Eve, ereyou freeze."

  "I think there is that in me which will not freeze," she answered; andbroke into a run.

  Now night closed in, and the snow which had been threatening all daybegan to fall, making their path over the heath difficult.

  "We need Grey Dick to guide us; but alack, I fear he is dead!" mutteredHugh.

  "I think others will be dead, not Dick," she answered.

  Just then they heard a footstep behind them.

  Hugh wheeled round and drew his sword, but almost before it had left thescabbard a long figure glided out of the snow, and said:

  "More to the left, master, more to the left, unless you would make yourpeace on Blythburgh bridge, where some would be glad to meet you."

  "How went it?" asked Hugh shortly.

  "Not well. I shot thrice and slew three men, two of the French knights,and Thomas of Kessland, against whom I had a score that now is settled.But the fourth time I missed."

  "Who?" asked Eve between her teeth as she ran beside him.

  "The Frenchman who means to marry you. When the others fell back he cameat me on his horse as I was setting a fresh arrow, thinking to get me. Ihad to shoot quick, and aimed low for his heart, because in that lightI could not make certain of his face. He saw, and jerked up the horseshead, so that the shaft took it in the throat and killed the beastwithout hurting its rider. He was off in an instant and at me, withothers, before I could draw again. So I thought it time to go, which Idid, backward, as he thrust. Perhaps he thinks he killed me, as I meanthe should, only when he looks at his sword he'll find it clean. That'sall."

  And again Grey Dick chuckled.